Lasting power of Attorney
A lasting Power of attorney (LPA) is a legal document that lets you give the person you trust the authority to make decisions on your behalf, or to help you make those decisions. This person will be named as your Attorney
Many people think that an LPA is something they will only need in later life, or should they find themselves faced with declining health. But the unfortunate reality is that there is no way of knowing what might happen to you. By acting now, and applying for an LPA, it will give you the peace of mind of knowing that if you should become physically or mentally incapacitated, it will fall to someone else you know and trust to look after your affairs.
There are two types of LPA and they relate to either your property and financial affairs or your personal welfare.
LPA – Property and Financial Affairs
An LPA must be set up whilst you still have mental capacity I if you wait until there is an issue it could be too late.
It is never too soon to make an LPA. Here at Chris Stevenson Solicitors we can give you specialist advice about what your LPA will need to cover and by instructing us you can be confident that your LPA will be valid.
Contact our team today about making an LPA on 01302 341243.