Lasting power of Attorney
A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) in respect of Health and Welfare enables you to choose the person(s) you wish to make decisions about healthcare as well as personal welfare on your behalf, once you are unable to make those decisions for yourself.
A health and welfare Attorney can generally make decisions about things such as:
- where you should live
- your medical care
- what kind of social activities you should take part in
Many people believe that their next of kin have an automatic right to decide how their relatives are treated; not realising that if you cannot make a decision yourself then your doctor is entitled to do whatever is felt to be in your best interests.
You can specify the types of decisions your Attorney can make or you can allow them to make all decisions on your behalf. You can also give them the authority to make decisions about consenting to life sustaining treatment on your behalf.
Without a Lasting Power of Attorney the Court of Protection may have to make decisions on your behalf, rather than those decisions being made by the people you would want to do so. An application to the Court of Protection can be a long and expensive process, which can lead to disputes between family members and may not reflect your wishes or desires. Being prepared can save a lot of stress and heartache.
Making an LPA does not mean you are giving up control – it enables your wishes to be put in place.
It is never too soon to make an LPA. Here at Chris Stevenson Solicitors we can give you specialist advice about what your LPA will need to cover, and by instructing us you can be confident that your LPA will be valid.
Contact our team today on 01302 341243 to discuss how an LPA may assist you or a loved one.