Crown Court
Only the most serious offences are dealt with in the Crown Court and often the stakes are very high. It is therefore hugely important that you instruct a Criminal Defence Solicitor in which you trust and can have confidence.
We have successfully represented client’s all over the UK for the most serious criminal offences including:-
- Murder and Conspiracy to Murder
- Conspiracy to Supply/Import Controlled Drugs
- Firearms offences including manufacture and supply
- Violent Disorder
- Death by Dangerous/Careless Driving
- Grievous Bodily Harm with Intent – Section 18
- White Collar Fraud – Including Conspiracy to Defraud
- Serious Sexual Offences
We pride ourselves on our preparation of a case and also our ability to instruct appropriate Counsel (Barristers) on your behalf to ensure that you are given proper, informed and best advice in order to achieve the best possible outcome for you. Contact us now to discuss representation on either a private client or legal aid basis.
Some offences such as Rape, Robbery and Murder can only be dealt with by the Crown Court. Other offences for example Burglary, Theft and serious Assaults may be dealt with by the Crown Court. This will depend on whether or not the Magistrates decide your case is too serious to be dealt with by the Magistrates Court. In some scenarios the Magistrates may decide that your case can be dealt with in the Magistrates Court but we may believe that it is in your interest to choose to have a trial before a Judge and Jury in the Crown Court.
As your instructed solicitor in the Crown Court we will go through all the evidence and advise you as to the evidence and the law. We will prepare your case, listen to what you have to say and advise you as to your plea. We will contact witnesses and instruct experts on your behalf, if we feel your case warrants expert evidence. It is often said the role of the solicitor is to alleviate the clients concerns and fears during their case. Here at Chris Stevenson Solicitors we pride ourselves in our ability to advise you clearly and supportively. We will either undertake the advocacy in the Crown Court ourselves, or instruct a Barrister on your behalf. We have strong links with barrister’s chambers both locally and further afield. We pride ourselves on instructing the right advocate for your case and instruct some of the most prominent barristers in the country, as we have dealt with cases that have attracted local and national media attention. Ultimately we will do all that we can to achieve the best possible outcome for you in your case. CALL CHRIS STEVENSON SOLICITORS ON 01302 341243.
At the Crown Court you will be represented either by a barrister or a solicitor advocate. Here at Chris Stevenson Solicitors we pride ourselves on out advocacy skills and we also have strong links with Chambers both locally and nationally. We pride ourselves in our ability to instruct the right barrister for you.
In all cases we will discuss with you whether you are eligible for Legal Aid. All cases that will dealt with in the Crown Court will meet the interest of justice criteria which the Legal Aid Agency apply in deciding whether or not Legal Aid should be granted to you. Legal Aid in the Crown Court is means tested and you may have to pay a contribution towards your Legal Aid in the Crown Court. Contact us immediately to discuss your Legal Aid and representation.
If you do not qualify for Legal Aid, we will be happy to represent you on a private client basis. We will assess your case and discuss your fees from the outset. Chris Stevenson Solicitors have been instructed on numerous privately paid criminal defence cases and deliver a high quality cost effective service.