Court of protection
The Court of protection make decisions on financial and welfare matters for people who can’t make decisions at the time they need to be made. It is needed when somebody does not have a power of attorney that can take effect.
The Court of Protection is there to protect the incapacitated party and can decide whether someone has the mental capacity to make a particular decision for themselves or appoint a person, known as a Deputy to make ongoing decisions for a person who lacks mental capacity. Furthermore the Court of Protection can give a person permission to make one-off decisions on behalf of someone who lacks mental capacity.
If you are the family of a vulnerable person, we can help you protect your loved ones best interests. We can advise you about who should be applying to become the Deputy and can assist you throughout the process.
If you require advice in this area please do not hesitate to contact us at Chris Stevenson Solicitors and we will endeavour to help in an efficient and sensitive manner.